Welcome to The Dettes

Follow the adventures of Claudette and Paulette - the twins.
Love and Kisses, Paulette and Claudette

Friday, February 4, 2011


I made a beeline into the house and straight for the bathroom.  I needed relief, but I also needed a moment to breathe in and out.  I checked my image in the mirror, disregarding the wrinkles and checking the pupils.  All looked acceptable.  I opened the door to find Bonkers, my trusty pooch, who had just had a growth removed from his foot the day before.  He was toting the Cone of Shame  around his neck.  I called it his halo; our yellow walls reflected through the funnel creating a golden aura.

"Bonk!  How are you doing, my sweet little guy?"  I knelt close to him, smelling the doggyness of him and picked up his bandaged foot.

I'm great.  I missed you.  Bonk is sitting up and looking earnestly into my eyes.

"Oh, I missed you, too.  How does your foot feel?"

It hurts.  Bonk lay down.  I put my face close to his nose.  He lightly bonked my nose.  He is called "Bonkers" because he likes to bonk people's noses, crotches, and also chairs and bushes.  Really anything that can be nose bonked, he will bonk.

"Oh, my sweet little thing," I coo, "I am so sorry.  It is getting better.  It just takes time."  I slid my hands down his downy golden retriever ears.

Bonk gingerly pushed himself up, and smiled.  I went outside today and saw The Other.  Bonk uses informal nouns to name people and other animals.  The Other is a black Great Dane.  The Other growled and thought he was all badass.

"Quit talking like the kids, Bonk."

Sorry.  His eyes cast downwards, but then, he remembered his thread. But, anyways, I was ferocious!  I barked really loud and low.  I threw my entire body against the fence.  I scared him.  It was cool.  Hey, are we going to go see The Man?  Bonk had already turned up the stairs and was hobbling toward the top.

"Yes, I'm coming."  I wasn't really looking forward to facing my husband.

Tom was sitting on the bed attempting to tie his running shoes, but Bonk was shoving his nose in Tom's crotch and trying to jump in his lap.  Hey, you are going running.  I want to go!  Can I go?  Can I?  Can I?  Tom gently pried Bonk out of his lap.

"What is it, boy?"  Tom looked up at me and said, "This dog is so goofy."

"He wants to go running with you."

"Nah, his foot hurts too much.  He wouldn't want to do that.  He's probably just happy to see me."  Tom finished tying his shoe and popped up from the bed.  "I'm off.  I'll see you in a little.  I'm not going for a long run."

"But..."  I didn't finish my thought.

"I know. Your sister is here.  I'll be back before you know I'm gone.  I want to get done before it's dark, though."  He started for the door.

"Wait.  Just wait.  I feel like I haven't seen you in days.  Can't your run wait another two minutes?"

Tom stayed by the door, putting his weight to one side of his body.  His mouth was set in a line, and I saw him glance at his watch.  "Well, okay.   What is it?"

"Oh, I don't know.  I just feel so, so ... unsettled?  I just can't seem...  Oh, it's nothing.  I know you want to run.  But didn't you already have some wine?  I saw the bottle on the porch."  I sat down on the edge of the bed and realized that I had given up effectiveness with that move.

"Nah, not really.  I poured Paulette a glass, and then I brought a couple glasses up for you and me."  He gestured to the nightstand, where two full glasses sat.  He smiled at his thoughtfulness.

"Thanks.  Well, okay.  I'll see you later."  I frowned and half-smiled at the same time.  He noted the smile and was on his way.

Bonk saw Tom off at the bedroom door.  Bye!  I'll see you soon!  I wish you weren't leaving.  He turned his attention to me and the wine glasses, nearly taking them out with his cone.

"Yikes, Bonk!  Here, boy, come here and lie down."  I patted his head with one hand and downed both glasses of wine with the other.  "Bonk, I'm outta here. You be a good boy."  I grabbed the empty wine glasses, skipped down the stairs, and out to my patient sister on the porch.  "Let's blow this stand, my dear.  I need a little zip in my doo-da."  Paulette laughed and foraged in her purse for the car keys.  "Noooo.  Let's take the bus."

"Cab,"  Paulette countered while dropping her keys back in her pocketbook.

"Bus, and then a cab."

Paulette threw her head down and up to fluff her hair, put her arm around my neck to noogie me and then gave me a gentle push down the street.  Bonk looked longingly after us, So long.

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